See the possibilities below!
Questions? Contact Debra dscoular@indymca.org 765-525-6730
Help us serve Military Families
We just received a matching gift challenge grant from YMCA of the USA Strategic Initiatives Fund for our Operation Flat Rock program.
This week of camp is held exclusively for kids of military families.
Learn more about this program.
If we raise $18,700, for this program, they will match it!
Donations to the Polar Plunge count!
Provides the support given to families who accessed financial assistance by selecting the Rate B or C options offered through our 3 Rate pricing structure.
Helps subsidize the Outdoor Education programs offered in the Spring and Fall for schools. For most of these students, this will be the only camp experience they will ever have.
While many campers came on full scholarships, your support enables Camp to provide ALL campers with the benefits of a summer camp experience, regardless of how their fees are paid!
Supports Camp in all the areas mentioned above and also helps Camp develop and improve programs, remain good stewards of our facility and provide improved wages for our camp counselors.
Helps bring new programs to Camp like pottery and woodworking or replace well loved and worn out program equipment like mountain bikes.
Sponsors a cabin of children from military families who share the bond of the
challenges families of the armed services face: deployments, multiple relocations, and parents who have sustained mental and physical injuries during their service.